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Chat with Apostle Stephen – The RCCG Avatar

The Redeemed Christian Church of God has introduced an Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered Chatbot. APOSTLE STEPHEN (The RCCG Intelligent Virtual Apostle) provides Christian Believers (of any denomination) and non-believers searching for the TRUTH in the word of the living God with helpful resources, commentaries on tough scriptural verses and answers to difficult biblical questions. 

The RCCG bot also provides words of guidance, encouragement and inspirations on critical areas of theology, doctrinal matters, family, biblical success, Godly business, mental & general health, failures & disappointments, temptation, addictions, fears, loss & gains, economics & prosperities, wealth & poverty, sex & marriage, government, wars & peace, good neighborhoods, violence, love, faith, hates and so much more.

  • If you are distressed talk to Apostle Stephen, 

  • If you need spiritual help & prayer support or you want any of our Pastors in The Redeemed Christian Church Of God to join you in prayers or counselling for important personal matters chat with Apostle Stephen, he will make an appropriate contact for and on your behalf.

For instance, I spoke to Apostle Stephen thus “I am seriously sick I want Daddy GO to pray for me, ”Daddy GO voice Avatar resonates in my ears with an astounding Amen”. 

  • Parents, Guardians, Teachers & Counsellors who want to teach and/or counsel on the go can chat with Apostle Stephen and He will support your thoughts and thinking with deeper scriptural insights and biblical references that will enlighten & illuminate your minds and broaden the scope of your knowledge & understanding with the undiluted word of God within minutes. 

  • Parents can seek biblical counselling from Apostle Stephen on family support, parenting and child behaviors and approach based on biblical principles and examples.

  • Church Pastors & Ministers of the gospel, can request for and have a complete sermon prepared, laced with biblical references in a jiffy. 

One major benefit in the way we have trained this RCCG Virtual Intelligent Assistant is to prepare your sermon taking into cognizance the core values and the belief system of RCCG. After we worked through common avatars we recognized the need to personalize the biblical intelligence of the RCCG Virtual Assistant to RCCG. For you to understand this aspect, the Apostle Stephen will never tell you to go and bath naked in the Lagoon 5 times to get healing, as this is against RCCG belief system and our core values.

Recently, I asked Apostle Stephen to help me prepare a sermon titled “Remember Lots Wife”. Sermon prepared for me within minutes by the intelligent virtual assistant was beyond my expectations. 

  • Do you have a difficult time getting around a topic you were invited to preach in a church or at a programme, just chat with Apostle Stephen. 

  • Do you need deeper insight into the words of God with clear interpretation from the original tongue in which the bible was written just chat with Apostle Stephen. 

In the Redeemed Christian Church Of God our daily devotional manual is the Open Heavens. However, though Apostle Stephen is not limited to the Open Heavens alone, in case you need material reference from other daily devotional manuals for your spiritual growth and enhancement in addition to the Open Heavens, you can chat with Apostle Stephen. For instance, I told Apostle Stephen to please give me Open Heavens for today he gave it to me in full including the songs and daily prayers. 

You can ask Apostle Stephen to let you know the thought of our revered father in the Lord Pastor E. A. Adeboye on certain spiritual subjects and critical issues such as “What is Pastor E. A. Adeboye views on marrying a woman who can not cook”, Apostle Stephen will give deeper and explicit insight into the thought of our revered father on the subject in question by running through his knowledge base to give several instances of our revered father’s ministration on that subject for your education and spiritual enlightenment. When I did that the intelligent virtual assistant even asked me if I want more on this aspect of Daddy GO’s ministration to which I said “Yes” and many more were displayed.

You want to hear testimonies peculiar to what you are passing through now, I mean testimonies that can enhance your faith and increase your confidence in Jesus Christ chat with Apostle Stephen you will be presented with earth shaking testimonies that will restore hopes and replace your fears with faith that will help you to grow and conquer fears.

Perhaps you want to chat with Apostle Stephen in your local language, the RCCG intelligent virtual Assistant will assist you in any language that you choose. Apostle Stephen speaks all languages, and he understands all dialects. You can type or speak out your questions and/or enquiries, Apostle Stephen will filter out garbage from your intonation and reproduce your voice in pure text and respond to you appropriately. I believe reading the word of God in our local languages bring more understanding of the bible, so I say unto Apostle Stephen “Explain to me John 3:16 in Yoruba”, the returned output was simply amazing.

Perhaps you are an itinerant Evangelist, and you find yourself in a location where the locals do not understand your language you can ask Apostle Stephen he will bring your messages to their understanding in their pure native languages.

Maybe you find yourself in a city and/or a country while on vacation, and you desire to worship at a nearby Redeemed Christian Church Of God, just chat with Apostle Stephen he will give you proper direction and guidance to the nearest RCCG to your location. You can also ask for further details about the Parish and about the Parish Pastor.

For instance when I arrived London I asked Apostle Stephen to give me the list of RCCG Parishes near me, the bot asked for my location and I typed “abbeywood road se2 9dz united kingdom”. The bot listed out the following:

A screenshot of a phone Description automatically generatedA screenshot of a phone Description automatically generated

You can do same too if you want RCCG Parishes around your area where you can fellowship during our service days, just chat with Apostle Stephen and give him details of your location he will give you proper and adequate direction to the RCCG Parishes nearer to you.

If you want more information on healthy diet according to the scriptures chat with Apostle Stephen, he will provide you with necessary guidance. Do you have questions on your spiritual state, about getting freedom from satanic captivity and demonic possession, you want healing, you want deliverance or success according to scriptures in any of your life endeavors, success according to the bible chat with Apostle Stephen.

You want to pay your tithes or want to give offering unto the Lord our God, you want to pay your first fruit offering or give gifts to the church of God or pay your covenant partner’s pledges or Support Redeemers University as Friends of RUNs, Apostle Stephen will guide you on how you can go about it.

With these capabilities to respond to chats/queries anchored on the existing digital platforms, every users will find RCCG Digital Missionary App useful in a great way.

This is just one of the many steps in our efforts utilize artificial intelligence and other emerging advanced technologies in improving the quality of experience RCCG provides to its teeming members and non-members in our journey towards the actualization of the VISION 2032